The Case for


Your Technical Content

Learn why ungating your technical content is a strategic move for companies seeking to maximize revenue growth and enhance their user experience.

To gate or not to gate?

Ungating technical content is a strategic move with significant benefits for companies aiming to boost revenue and improve user experience. Technical content now drives 70% of B2B web traffic, making it a crucial source of information for customers. By offering ungated content, businesses provide easy access to both existing and potential customers, as 90% of B2B customers rely on technical content before making purchases. This approach enhances customer engagement and drives potential conversions.

The top 3 advantages of public content

By embracing a user-centric approach and aligning content with the user journey, companies can deliver value, enhance user behavior analytics, and improve self-service capabilities. Additionally, well-documented, publicly available technical content has a positive impact on search engine rankings, increasing product discoverability and reducing support costs, while also potentially driving higher sales.

Maximize revenue
Data-driven analytics
Modernize content consumption

Public content becomes an asset throughout your users’ journey

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