
Thurs Nov 14

Venue TBD

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The countdown is on


What to expect

Networking & knowledge-sharing

Our roadshows are designed to be a deeply valuable event underpinned by knowledge sharing. Our goal is to provide a safe and meaningful space for professionals to share ideas, challenges, best practices and failures.

Access to new data

We’re working intensively with research firms to objectively understand the landscape of knowledge and AI. We’ll share these unique insights with you and explore what resonates with you and your peers.

Technology showcase

You’ll get practical insight into the tooling and technical solutions that can help make your knowledge work better for your GenAI goals.


Stay tuned for more details about the venue coming soon.

Venue TBD

We’re putting the final touches to our plan for this roadshow and aim to provide confirmed details about the venue soon. Watch this space!

Joe Gelb
President & Co-founder, Zoomin

Meet your host Joe

Joe Gelb has more than 20 years of experience helping enterprises implement, publish and capitalize on structured content. As a co-founder of Zoomin, he has led the charge in developing groundbreaking content delivery solutions tailored for the unique complexities of technical documentation.

Joe's passion lies in empowering techcomm teams to measure and showcase the business impact of unified knowledge on organizational KPIs. Today he spends much of his time bridging the gap between content development teams and C-level executives emphasizing the critical importance of making content AI-ready in this rapidly evolving era of generative artificial intelligence.
Tom DeBeauchamp
Director of Customer Success, Zoomin

Meet your co-host Tom

As Director of Customer Success at Zoomin, Tom has been on the frontlines of GenAI-knowledge innovation. Specializing in helping documentation teams implement GenAI solutions, he has been at a unique vantage point to identify emerging best practices as well as opportunities and challenges.  Tom directly supports countless enterprise customers through the new technical, legal, and security landscape that GenAI innovation has created.

With extensive experience in optimizing documentation processes through AI innovations, Tom works with teams to help them effectively leverage GenAI tools to meet their documentation needs, become more efficient and boost customer experience, while ensuring their knowledge is AI-ready.

What's on the agenda?

9:30 AM

Meeting and mingling

Catch up with your peers over a delicious breakfast

10AM-10:30 AM

Why is this the year of the docs?

Using emerging data insights, we’ll have an interactive discussion around why docs teams are more important and how their work is critical to AI success.

10:30-11:15 AM

How the role of technical documentation practitioners is evolving

Which new skills will you need to acquire to adapt to this new landscape? Which relationships should you cultivate? How should existing processes be adapted?

11:30-12 PM

Case study

Learn how your peers are already getting new LLM projects off the ground, and how they’re weaving AI into their work.

12 PM-1 PM

Technology showcase

Discover how you can leverage emerging technology to achieve your AI goals and get a seat at the table in AI discussions across your organization.

1-1:30 PM

Closing remarks

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